terça-feira, 5 de novembro de 2013

Exercise 7.

Estamos chegando quase na reta final do nosso curso. Certamente você já é capaz de escrever e traduzir frases.
Escolha cinco prefixos e cinco sufixos e elabore frases simples. Caso tenha dificuldades, peça ajuda ao seu

Suffix and Prefix
You must reinstall the program
The Pan American Games begin in 2016
Reinvented the Time Machine
My ex girlfriend is beautiful
George Bush was the former ex President of the United States.
Exercise 6.

Durante todo o curso você vem realizando muitas atividades de aprendizagem. Nesta aula você viu um breve 
histórico da criação da internet. Escreva um pequeno texto em inglês, e outro com a tradução em português, 
sobre a importância da internet na sua vida. Fale da frequência com que você a utiliza e para quê. Poste seu texto 
no blog criado por você. 

''The Internet is very important for various information that a User receives and also for entertainment, using videos and music with a hobby. Use the Internet with little frequency and when to use is converssar with my friends .''

''A Internet é muito importante pelas diversas informações que um usuario recebe e também pelo entretenimento , utilizando videos e musicas com um passa tempo . Uso a internet com pouca frequencia e quando uso é pra converssar com os meus amigos...''
Exercise  5.

Nesta aula você conheceu outros tipos de hardware que podem ser acrescentados ao computador. Escolha um,
pesquise sobre ele, escreva um pequeno texto em inglês e poste suas informações no seu blog. Com certeza seu
blog já deve estar cheio de informações.

The keyboard is a device that is widely used by the computer, usually classified as an input device for processing the data. A keyboard is extremely important for computer and user through it is possible to edit text, or even chat with a person anywhere in the world. It consists of letters, numbers, symbols and other diverssas series of functions! Also the keyboard resembles the old typewriters of yesteryear. Today there are electronic devices that resemble computer that no longer need the keyboard rather than a touch-sensitive screen....
Exercise 4 .

Com um computador aberto, escreva um pequeno texto em inglês sobre cada componente que compõe o
computador, tire uma foto mostrando esses componentes e poste tudo no blog.

The components that make up the computer: RAM and ROM, a motherboard, processor and others each have a special feature that helps in proper functioning of the computer.
The Memories are important works connected with the computer and the other computer is turned off, the processor to capture data received motherboard and this is where most of the components.

lecture 3.

                                                    Types of Computers :

Differences and Utilities
Computers range in size and capability. At one end of the scale are supercomputers, very large computers with
thousands of linked microprocessors that perform extremely complex calculations. At the other end are tiny
computers embedded in cars, TVs, stereo systems, calculators, and appliances. These computers are built to
perform a limited number of tasks.
The personal computer, or PC, is designed to be used by one person at a time. This section describes the various
kinds of personal computers: desktops, laptops, handheld computers, and Tablet PCs.
Desktop Computers
Desktop computers are designed for use at a desk or table. They are typically larger and more powerful than
other types of personal computers. Desktop  computers are made up of separate components. The main
component, called the system unit, is usually a rectangular case that sits on or underneath a desk. Other
components, such as the monitor, mouse, and keyboard, connect to the system unit.

                                                          Laptop Computers :

Laptop computers are lightweight mobile PCs with a thin screen. They are often called notebook computers
because of their small size. Laptops can operate on batteries, so you can take them anywhere. Unlike desktops,
laptops combine the CPU, screen, and keyboard in a single case. The screen folds down onto the keyboard when
not in use.

                                                                 Handheld Computers :

Handheld computers, also called personal digital assistants (PDAs), are battery-powered  computers small
enough to carry almost anywhere. Although not as powerful as desktops or laptops, handhelds are useful for
scheduling appointments, storing addresses and phone numbers, and playing games. Some have more advanced
capabilities, such as making telephone calls or accessing the internet. Instead of keyboards, handhelds have
touch screens that you use with your finger or a stylus (a pen-shaped pointing tool).

Exercise 3.

Para melhor fixar aquilo que você aprendeu nesta aula, após a leitura dos textos elabore o seu próprio texto.
.  Sobre o que os textos no início da aula tratam?
.  Nesta aula você viu alguns exemplos de tipos de computadores. Elabore um texto simples em inglês e diga
qual o tipo de computador que você tem ou que conhece.
.  Elabore pequenas frases em inglês descrevendo cada tipo de computador existente.


- Tratam-se dos computadores, os tipos de computadores existentes, laptops, notebooks, computadores, tablets entre outros.

- I have a black computer brand cce, has three years of use, I know computers bigger than mine such as notebooks, netbooks, tablets, among others.

-  - The standard consists Computer mouse, CPU, stabilizer.
- The Notebook is a portable device that can be taken to any fair place more easily.
-The Tablets can be taken in the bag because they are Small appliances.

Exercise 1.

1. Place the following sentences into the negative and interrogative form:
a) The computer is working.
b) My keyboard is broken.
c) Jonathan is tired.
d) Marta and Gloria are operating windows system.

2. Use the correct form of the verb to be.
a) Computers ______ machines that perform tasks or calculations.
b) It ___________ the ''brain'' of your computer.
c)The web ________ Also  a shopper's delight.
d) A website ______ a collection of interconnected webpage.
e) These computers _____built to perform a limited number of tasks.


1- a) The Computer is not working.
        Is the computer working?

b) My Keyboard is not broken.
Is my keyboard broken?

c) Jonathan is not tired.
Is Jonathan tired?

2- a) are
  b) is
  c) is
d) is
e) are